Tinder Surprise: a hair transplant improved this man’s matches by 75%

Hair Transplant Surgery

TinderWe’ve all suspected that nothing turns a woman off more than a not-so-full head of hair: now one man in Leeds has run an interesting experiment to confirm it.

Richard King, a 31 year-old who ditched his comb-over for a hair transplant, decided to create two separate Tinder profiles with the same message – one with a pre-op pic, and one with his new look.

The former profile (with a receding hairline) netted 116 matches from women, but the latter (with the freshly transplanted hair) raked in 203 – a whopping 75% more.

Does he look better, or just feel better?

“I’d always thought hair transplants were for older men or rich footballers,” said Richard, “But it got to the point where my thinning hair was really affecting my self-esteem and overall confidence, so surgery became a viable option.”

In all, it’s an interesting experiment that throws up the age-old question: is he more attractive to women because he looks better, or is he more attractive to women because he feels more confident?

As we’ve noted before, a recent survey by a dating agency in Malaysia revealed that 1,264 of their female clients put baldness as the third-biggest turn-offs in a potential partner – just behind bad breath and body odour.

Do the Swipe Right thing

Conversely, 39% of the male respondents to the survey felt that thinning hair strongly downgraded their chances of success with the potential partners of their choice. 47% polled agreed that hair loss had made them less desirable, while 57% were flat-out envious of their fuller-haired friends.

Whatever the reason, it’s more proof that you never get a second chance to make a first impression, and – as Richard has demonstrated – addressing your hair issues could decide which direction you get swiped on Tinder.


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