My hair transplant diary

Hair Transplant Surgery
my hair transplant diary

my hair transplant diaryOur interest was piqued recently by an article from the Australian female beauty and lifestyle website Rescu, where their (male) beauty expert Michael Brown writes in detail about the hair transplant procedure he undertook a year ago. We feel it’s well worth a look for anyone considering taking the plunge towards dealing with their hair loss issues.

As Michael points out, he didn’t approach his decision lightly, having been painfully aware of his hair issues for quite a while. In his own words, “I’ve used every densifying shampoo product, dry clay to mattify my hair – rather than adding shine that can amplify the thinning look and I even dyed my hair lighter to avoid my scalp being more noticeable through my hair.”

Hats and swimming pools don’t mix

By the time he realised he was actually swimming with a hat on, he felt he had to do something about it, so he checked into a Sydney clinic and underwent a consultation.

And he says that the best advice he can give anyone thinking of undergoing a hair transplant is to think way ahead – not only about the immediate results, but about any indications of future changes to the scalp and hairline.

It pays to plan a head

“You must think about potential future loss and what that would look like, otherwise you may have this amazing new hair at the front of your head, but later in life suffer from thinning, or next to no hair at the top and back,” he writes. “It’s better to treat signs of future loss all in one procedure to avoid other balding patches appearing down the track.”

As the record shows, Michael’s FUE procedure (otherwise known as ‘strip surgery’) has taken well, and he couldn’t be happier. “In one day, my life changed forever,” he writes. “I had new hair, my own hair growing in the correct areas. It’s been such an amazing experience and feel like more guys need to know about this success story.”


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