Hair transplants abroad: why you’re safer to stay at home

Hair Transplant Surgery
hair transplants abroad

hair transplants abroadThe number of people travelling abroad to undergo various cosmetic procedures has risen dramatically in recent years.

Hair transplants are one of the most common procedures men choose to undergo abroad due to the potentially huge cost saving benefits. However, what they don’t realise is while they may be saving money, the risks are often much higher.

There isn’t just an increased risk that the hair transplant could fail, there’s also a lot of more serious safety concerns. When you compare the risks, you quickly realise you’re much safer staying at home!

The risks of hair transplants abroad

By far the biggest concern of hair transplants abroad is the risk of infection. What many people don’t realise before they jet off to have the procedure in another country, is that each country has its own certification and licensing regulations. While clinics in the UK are required to be registered, in some countries the same standards do not apply.

This means you could potentially end up having the procedure carried out by a surgeon with very little experience or qualifications. This isn’t just risky in terms of how the transplant will look, it also means you could end up with all kinds of medical issues. Infections are the most common, along with dangerous noroviruses.

What if a problem does occur?

As if it’s not bad enough that you could end up paying for an unsuccessful procedure, there’s also very little you can do about it if a problem does occur. Seeking justice is difficult, especially considering in most countries you need to file a court case against the clinic in the country it was performed.

You will also end up needing additional treatment to rectify the problem. While you are saving a lot of money going abroad, hair transplants still aren’t cheap; especially if you do end up requiring additional procedures.

Overall, while hair transplants abroad can be tempting, it is much safer and often more effective to undergo one in the UK.


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