Facial Hair Transplants Are Big in Virginia

Hair Transplant Surgery

beardyThe Daily Mail recently reported about a clinic in Virginia Beach, Virginia which claims to be pioneering a new treatment for men who struggle to grow a beard or moustache. The hair transplant procedure is, of course nothing new but recently there seems to be an increasing trend for seeking to lose the baby face look.

What is a Facial Hair Transplant ?

Facial hair transplants operate in much the same as hair transplants. Healthy hair follicles and tissue are removed from an area at the back of the head and migrated to areas on this face. This include moustaches, upper chin, upper lip, eyebrows, sideburns and beards. The procedure lasts around 8 hours and the patient can expect to have a full beard with healthy hair that can be shaved and styled within a few months.

However, beard transplants are nothing new, and it’s not just the Virginian Clinic offering this treatment. There are reports that men in New York are paying up $7000 US for the procedure with at least one doctor claiming to be performing around three facial hair transplant procedures per week.

The Bearded Look is “In”

The increase in the provision of the treatment can probably be attributed, at least in part to the celebrity adopters of facial hair such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Jake Gyllenhaal and Ryan Gosling. According to facial plastic surgeon, Jeffrey Epstein “Whether you are talking about the Brooklyn hipster or the advertising executive the look is definitely to have a bit of facial hair”.

The trend isn’t limited to the US either with beard transplants being carried out in the UK at a cost of £3500 to £5000. One UK recipient of a beard transplant reported that he had been considering the procedure for about eight months. He said “knowing the results, I wish I hadn’t wasted so much time deciding”.


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Time for another transplant, Wayne?

