How to Maximise the Results of Your Hair Transplant


hair transplant and smp combinedHair transplants are known to be one of the most effective remedies for hair loss. However, what many people don’t realise is the importance of preventing further hair loss after the transplant. They assume the transplant itself will fix the problem. Therefore, when the hair continues to fall out after the procedure, it can be a devastating blow; especially after spending so much money on the treatment.

The good news is there are ways you can maximise the results of your hair transplant and prevent further hair loss. Here you’ll find out how.

Preventing further hair loss

It’s reported that laser treatment can help reduce the risk of hair loss after a transplant. However, it isn’t widely available in the UK. The treatment is used a few days after the transplant and it really helps speed up the recovery process. If laser treatment isn’t available near you, don’t worry, there are other widely available treatments you can try from the comfort of your own home.


There are actually a number of at-home treatments you can use to prevent further hair loss. The most popular and one of the more effective treatments is Minoxidil 2%. Not only does it either slow down or completely stop hair loss, but it also encourages regrowth. It’s sold over the counter and is commonly used to treat androgenetic alopecia.
Being a topical treatment, Minoxidil 2% is very easy to apply. It’s even FDA approved so you know you’re using a safe, tested treatment. It’s worth noting that it does come in various strengths. The 2% version is suitable for women, whereas men would benefit from the concentrated 5% version.


Another great treatment option is Finasteride. This is a prescription medication suitable for treating male baldness. It works by stopping testosterone converting into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It is DHT which causes the follicles of the hair to shrink. So the treatment helps to restore the follicles back to their original size. Keep in mind that if you do opt for this treatment, it can take up to six months to see results. It can also lead to some side effects such as a loss of libido.

Overall if you’re looking to maximise the results of your hair transplant, Minoxidil and Finasteride are two of your best options. Both have proven to work and come highly recommended. Slowing down the hair loss is key to ensuring you receive the best results from the procedure.


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