A hair transplant is a common technique that moves skin containing hair follicles from a donor site (usually the back of the head) to a bald or balding site. This effectively implants follicles that are genetically resistant to balding to a second area. It can also be used for scalp and scar reductions from accidents or previous transplant surgeries.
The idea behind hair transplant surgery is based on the fact that some hair is permanent. While some hair on your scalp can have a transient life span, hair elsewhere on your body tends to endure for a lifetime. It has long been proven that permanent hair can be moved to any part of the body where it usually continues to grow and behave as if it were still in its original location.
A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that usually involves removing hair from the back or sides of the scalp and placing them into the thinning areas of the scalp.
Dr. Okuda, a Japanese dermatologist first described the punch technique of hair transplantation way back in 1939. This was first applied on the scalps of severely burned patients, resulting in considerable hair growth in affected areas. Five years later, Dr. Tamura attempted a micro grafting technique to restore female pubic hair, in demand within Japanese society at the time. It was Dr. Orentreich from New York, who first performed hair transplantation in the western world in 1952. His findings were published in 1959 and it was since then that transplanted hair was more commonly used to cover balding areas of the scalp.
Nowadays, the FUT or FUE techniques are the most commonly used hair transplant methods. Follicular Unit Transplantation and Follicular Unit Extraction identify the patients natural hair groupings called follicular units. These are then removed from the surrounding skin in a way that leaves them intact in their genetic form. They are then placed in the recipient area whilst attempting to match the density, distribution, direction, angulation and orientation of existing or pre-existing hair.
Hair transplant surgery is a fairly common treatment for hair loss, however it is not without its potential complications. Many customers end up with scars or irregular hair patterns following such procedures, however it is worth noting that the majority of customers achieve acceptable results with minimal negative effects.