Hair Loss True or False

Hair loss true or false

Hair loss true or falseDoes stress lead to hair loss and do we have our mothers to blame for the hair loss gene? There are tonnes of hair loss myths out there and here we aim to expose the truth behind some of the most common.

Stress can lead to hair loss – True!

There’s been much debate over the years as to whether stress really can cause hair loss. The truth is, it absolutely can, but only when the stress is excessive and long-lasting. Moderate levels of stress which most of us experience daily, are unlikely to cause any real hair issues. However, major stressful events can shorten the growth phase and push the hair into the resting and fall-out phase leading to obvious balding and thinning.

The hair loss gene is passed down from the mother – False!

It’s been reported that if you suffer from genetic related hair loss, your mother’s genes are to blame. However, the truth is both parents can pass on the hair loss gene. Hereditary hair loss is incredibly complex so more studies do need to be carried out to determine the pattern behind it.

The way you style your hair can cause hair loss – True!

Hairdressers have seen a significant rise in the number of women seeking advice for hair loss. Over-styling is considered one of the main causes, leading to what is known as traction alopecia.

If the hair is over-styled, such as placed into a tight ponytail, it can put serious pressure onto the roots and the hair follicles. In most severe cases, the follicles can become damaged, leading to more permanent hair loss.

There isn’t a cure for baldness – False!

You won’t come across any miracle cures for baldness that’s for sure, but there are many different treatment options available. No longer do you have to suffer in silence. From wigs and medications to SMP and hair transplants – there are plenty of solutions out there to help.

Overall, there are many hair loss myths out there and it’s important to seek the truth rather than believing everything you hear. If you’re worried about hair loss, it’s a good idea to seek advice from a hair loss expert. They will be able to tell you which treatments would work best in your situation and answer any questions you may have.


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