We found an article on the BBC News website, citing “Follicular Cell Implantation” as a possible miracle cure for hair loss. Follicular Cell Implantation is in essence, another name for hair cloning, a topic well covered by websites within the hair loss community.
Whilst the idea of a miracle cure for hair loss may seem crazy at the moment, scientists are making real progress with regular hair cloning news updates being published, each claiming that we’re a step closer to a viable solution.
Unfortunately the issue here is timescales. For example, the article on the BBC News website suggests that Follicular Cell Implantation may be widely available within five years. How many times over the last 20-30 years have we heard the claim “this miracle cure will be ready in five years”?
Such complex research takes an enormous amount of time and money to complete. To ensure that an eventual solution is truly viable, safe and effective, such research should not be rushed under any circumstances.
In the meantime, MHT provides an ideal solution for hair loss for many people around the world, without interfering with the potential effectiveness of any future advancements in hair loss technology. For more information about MHT click here.
A excerpt from the BBC News article is shown below:
Cells grown in the laboratory may offer a possible solution to hair loss, preliminary trials have suggested.
The technique involves taking small amounts of the remaining hair cells, multiplying them, then injecting them into bald areas. Six months after treatment, 11 out of 19 patients had grown new hair, UK researchers told an Italian conference. However, a UK specialist said further work would be needed so that the new hair looked right.
Currently available methods of hair transplantation involve taking large clumps of remaining follicles under local anaesthetic and moving them to the desired area, a technique dependent on the amount of hair left, as no new hair is created. The new method, called “follicular cell implantation”, developed by UK firm Intercytex, claims to be able to provide a limitless supply of replacement hair cells, and, if other trials show it to be safe and effective, could be available within five years.
Doctors take only the dermal papilla cells – cells found in the follicle which are responsible for hair growth. They are harvested from areas on the back of the head, which usually still have hair growth, and then bathed in a specially-developed chemical in the laboratory, before being placed back into bald areas of the scalp. The early results suggest that most patients appear to benefit after just a few months, although the numbers involved in the trial are relatively small.
Dr Paul Kemp, Intercytex’s Scientific Officer, said that the presence of the dermal papilla cells encouraged skin cells to start building a brand new hair follicle, or rejuvenated follicles which have stopped producing hair properly. He said: “It will revolutionise hair care, I think. People will use this when they are starting to go bald – they’ll come and see us, we’ll take a few dermal papilla cells, grow them up in the lab, freeze most of them, and inject some.
“They can keep coming back as the balding process continues. I’m convinced it will work, it’s just a question of fine-tuning the technique.”