Tea tree oil for hair loss: does it work?

General Hair Loss
tea tree oil for hair loss - does it work?

tea tree oil for hair loss - does it work?Tea tree oil is an essential oil derived from an Australian native plant Melaluca alternifolia. It has been known to be used for over a century, across the world for numerous purposes, as it has both antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Tea tree oil for hair loss

Tea tree oil has been proven to be extremely valuable for the health of the scalp and hair as it can soothe dry, flaking skin and even cure dandruff. This essential oil has been thought to prevent hair problems such as psoriasis, baldness and even head lice; however such claims haven’t been backed up by any scientific research yet.

As the oil is full of natural antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties, many believe that it can assist with and even encourage hair growth. Due to these multiple protective properties, tea tree oil can safeguard the scalp and hair follicles from a variety of conditions and diseases, which increases the health of the hair.

Men who suffer from hair loss can use tea tree oil as it contains anti-androgenic effects; meaning that it inhibits certain male hormones which induce hair loss.

Therefore it is commonly suggested by dermatologists and cosmetologists to those who suffer from irregular hair fall and thinning.

How to use tea tree oil for hair loss

To use the oil, it can be directly massaged into the scalp and on the roots of the hair on its own, mixed in a shampoo or mask, or with other carrier oils to moisturize. The massaging action itself can stimulate blood flow to the head which will reduce any hair follicle inflammation and encourage hair growth.

Although tea tree oil itself cannot cure hair loss, it can help to prevent conditions and diseases of the scalp, therefore encouraging healthy hair growth.

Other options

However if you feel your hair loss is excessive and there are no signs of regrowth, there are medications and treatments available, such as hair transplants, laser therapy or scalp micropigmentation. Speak to your doctor or a hair loss expert for professional advice and to find the most suitable option for you.


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