Take care of your scalp, and the hair will take care of itself… Or that’s the theory anyway!

General Hair Loss
taking care of your scalp can prevent hair loss

taking care of your scalp can prevent hair lossIn order to encourage healthy hair growth, trichologists (people who specialise in hair and scalp disorders), doctors and hairdressers alike, will all agree that a healthy scalp is absolutely essential!

If the scalp is not nourished or properly looked after, it can lead to issues such as dryness, oiliness, dandruff and stunted growth. All of these issues will directly reflect on the overall look of your hair – in fact they can even contribute to increased hair fall.

Spending large amounts of money on professional salon-quality hair styling products, such as hair wax or gels, and regular haircuts is not enough, as none of these methods focus on maintenance of the scalp at all.

Inner city blues…

People who live in the city are more prone to scalp-related disorders and conditions, as living conditions involve higher exposure to air pollution, hard water and general everyday city grime. These factors all play a role in clogging up and irritating hair follicles and should be carefully considered when deciding on a hair-care regime.

Although such exposure is unavoidable today, by using masques, gels, and cleansers specially formulated for the scalp, we can help to restore some of the balance for a healthier scalp.

Many men who find they are losing their hair decide to shave it all off and turn to a buzz cut hairstyle. However, even when there is little to no hair, it’s essential to moisturise the scalp every day to avoid dryness and flaky looking skin.

Scalp micropigmentation

Scalp micropigmentation is a quick and painless procedure which can be done to achieve a look of fuller hair growth in men who suffer from hair loss; it uses natural pigments to replicate a natural appearance of hair follicles.

The procedure itself is barely painful requiring only one to two sessions and aftercare is straightforward also. Patients are advised to avoid situations in which they may excessively sweat for the first few days, and after a week they are able to cleanse their head with a gentle facial cleanser.

In the long term, the only aftercare required is regular exfoliation and moisturising which gives men a healthy overall appearance and a long lasting, quality result with their pigmentation.


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