“I’m A Celebrity – Get Me Out Of Here!” Contestant Talks Hair Transplants

Celebrities, General Hair Loss, Hair Transplant Surgery

At some point prior to entering the UK gameshow “I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here,” Martin Roberts, usually to be found presenting his own property show on daytime telly, decided to take the plunge and get a hair transplant.


In The Public Eye


Discovering hair loss is a fairly traumatic, depressing even, experience for anybody. For people in the public eye it is all the more challenging. Most of us can enjoy a brief, if pointless, period of denial where we put the extra hairs appearing in the shower drain down to an illness, or the time of year, or a new hair brush. Celebs will rarely get that luxury. In fact, a busy celeb will probably not even get the chance to discover their own hair loss. It is more likely to get pointed out by someone in make-up, or a lighting technician, or a Director… the list is long of people who in their professional capacity will be obliged to deal with scalp showing through and who consequently will not shy away from announcing your problem to the world. Well, the studio at least… which in the modern world of social media means it will be globally broadcast within minutes. Possibly with pictures.

What Martin Did Next…


Martin Roberts is a very familiar face to millions of pensioners and housewives as the presenter of “Homes Under The Hammer”. A popular and long-running daytime TV show which follows the story, as the title suggests, of property developers as they acquire homes at auction and redevelop them for re-sale or rent.

It is 14 years since he began presenting the show, starting when he was 39 years old. A huge proportion of men can expect to see the first signs of male pattern baldness during that period and Martin was no different. For him, the widows peaks began to present along with the traditional thinning at the crown. No doubt he will have been presented with his various options, though possibly not SMP, before deciding that his solution would be a transplant.

Help! I Am Turning Into A Monk!


Martin took some time out to talk to UK tabloid, The Mirror, just before setting out for the jungle gameshow – where celebrity contestants are forced to sleep semi-rough in the Australian jungle for 3 weeks, taking part in trials to win food that mean they are required to eat everything from bugs to testicles.

“I don’t like the idea of going bald,” he told the Mirror. “I was developing a classic “you look like a monk” sort of thing. I was really embarrassed about it at first and didn’t tell anybody. Talking about the decision to go for the transplant he said “You think it questions your manliness or your sexuality or whatever. But if it helps you feel better why not?” He does actually venture one possible reason, “It was really ******* painful, it was an eight hour operation”.

HIS Hair Clinic


We are delighted for anyone who does something about their hair loss and ends up pleased with the outcome. It is a pity that Martin didn’t get to consider SMP though, just look at the travails of Wayne Rooney, who has apparently required a series of transplant procedures at jaw-dropping expense, for someone who might cast an envious glance in the direction Andros Townsend, a fellow Premiership player who decided on SMP.

To discuss your hair loss options with one of our friendly experts simply book an appointment for a free consultation. You can either complete the form at the side of this page or click here to find your nearest clinic.



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