Starting to lose hair? Here’s what you need to do

General Hair Loss
Losing hair? Here's what you need to do

Losing hair? Here's what you need to doIf you’re starting to lose hair the first thing to do is DON’T PANIC. Male pattern baldness is completely normal in men and by their mid 30s over 60% of the male population will be experiencing some form of hair thinning. This doesn’t mean you have to roll over and do nothing though. There are a few basic guidelines that might help in slowing down the process or maybe disguising the problem.

Lose the Hat

OK the first thing is to ditch the beanie. It may be tempting to keep that bald spot covered but actually you’ll be doing more harm than good, stopping the blood circulating and also pulling out hairs whenever you remove it. Instead of covering up think about a restyle.

Go to the barbers and take advice on a new cut that might suit you better. After all they see every type of head of hair on a regular basis. Also, you could think about blow drying to create more volume and it’s probably time to ditch the gels and waxes which weigh down the hair, accentuating how thin it has become.

The most important thing to do though is see a professional. There are several great hair loss clinics such as HIS Hair Clinic . Specialists like this will be advise on exactly the right treatment for your particular hair loss. Every client will be treated as an individual and no particular treatment will be pushed. It’s all about getting the right solution for you to restore your self-image and confidence.

Give SMP a go

Treatments might include scalp micropigmentation (SMP), laser therapy, even a full transplant. It really depends on what you are trying to achieve and which procedure is most likely to work. SMP, for example is a relatively good value, permanent and highly successful treatment as long as you can cope with a short clean cut look. If you want to maintain a full head of hair then it may require a full blown transplant, which can be lengthy and costly.

Either way there’s no need to despair. Use a bit of common sense, accept that some change is inevitable and if you want to fight it speak to the professionals.


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