A hair-raising wedding

General Hair Loss
the man who refused to get married without hair

the man who refused to get married without hairA wedding is one of those occasions when everything has to be just right from the flowers in the church to the colour of the napkins complementing the bridesmaids’ dresses.

Normally it’s the bride mother and bride who fuss over the details of such arrangements, but for one Northampton groom one aspect of the wedding became so significant that he refused to go ahead with the wedding unless it was sorted out to his satisfaction. This overriding consideration was his thinning hair.

Congregation focused on bald spot

No one wants to be standing at the altar with the entire congregation staring at their bald spot so it’s perhaps understandable that Warren suddenly began to suffer a little stage fright and felt the need to do something about it. With two months to go until the big day he decided to try Regrowz. According to their website they claim, “We’ve created a scalp stimulant and restoration serum clinically proven to increase hair volume and reduce hair loss in 100% of subjects”.

Regrowz – does it work?

Impressive sounding stuff and indeed Warren felt his hair had thickened to the point that he was happy to walk down the aisle, claiming that he felt 100% himself on the big day. However, before we get carried away at this miraculous new hair loss cure it’s worth taking a look at the ingredients as there’s nothing in the product that would do anything other than provide great conditioning for the scalp.

Further investigation of the website shows a balding man in before and after shots which look suspiciously similar apart from some slight over combing on the bald spot to convey a highly unconvincing appearance of thicker hair.

One way or another, Regrowz worked for Warren though. Even if it didn’t actually thicken his hair he believed it did to the extent that he was happy to go ahead with the wedding. Maybe on this occasion his balding head helped him out with a strong dose of mind over matter.


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