Pragmatic Trump Takes New Approach To His Hair

General Hair Loss

The Donald’s hair is almost as independently famous, or infamous according to your view, as the man himself. But will the new Whitehouse job mean less time for standing in front of the mirror to create his extraordinary look.



Donald’s Hair History


As you can see from the series of pictures above, Trump’s battle with his hair goes back at least 30 years. Even in the first image, taken in the 80’s, the comb over from a deep side-parting is a clear sign that he was already suffering the early signs of androgenetic alopecia, better know as male pattern baldness. While it is far from unheard of for someone to experience their hair receding to a point and then stopping, the rest of the pictures show a steady deterioration and ever more careful attention being paid to his styling. The expression “cash rich time poor” does not seem to have penetrated at Trump Tower where Donald confesses to spending an hour in front of a mirror every morning, armed only with a comb and a can of hairspray, to achieve what he described as a “dead squirrel” in a Saturday Night Live appearance.

When asked about his hair Trump has always insisted it is all his own but beyond that has remained coy about the detail.  Ivana Trump’s Manhattan based former stylist, Louis Licari, claims to have seen Donald in a specialist clinic in the 80’s. “I think it is all his own – but through transplants” Louis said. Among the many claims about how the look is achieved, one website suggested that he may have spent $60K on a patented procedure called “microcylinder intervention”. The fact is nobody who knows the truth is saying anything.

Time For Change


Of course spending an hour in front of the mirror might well be the prerogative of a billionaire who answers only to himself, but that is surely out of the question once he takes over the reins from President Obama on January 20th. His working day will start early and end late, he will have an endless stream of people demanding his time on any number of vital issues, that is assuming he devotes himself to the job entirely – It seems likely, given his nature, that his children will not be left alone to run his businesses, Dad’s guiding hand will be making regular appearances no doubt and managing his time will most definitely become his greatest challenge. So we fully expected him to honour his pledge to adopt a more easily managed style once he takes office.

Lo and behold, son of Donald, imaginatively named Donald Jr, uploaded a shot of his dad and young son showing Trump senior with a new look. A simple side parting. The 58 minutes he must have saved that morning will have been a revelation – We would urge him to consider going further and coming to HIS Hair Clinic, a short walk from Trump Tower, and getting a Scalp Micropigmentation treatment. Imagine the new President channeling his inner Vin Diesel and striding into his first meeting with Putin looking every inch the tough President he has vowed to be. Even if the time-saving, compared to his new side-parting, is only a  couple of minutes we suspect that two minutes in the day of the world’s most powerful man would be valuable and welcome.

HIS Hair Clinic


We cannot remember a world leader whose hair has been the subject of so much conjecture and debate. Maybe Kim Jong Un’s comedy styling came close, not that we would want to associate through comparison the bonkers leader of N Korea with the President of the USA.  Trump would be well-advised to address the issue from a purely political point of view, knowing the benefits of SMP over his current procedure we would seriously urge him to come and see us… though under the circumstances I am sure we would be willing to offer a home consultation.

If you are ready to do something about your own hair loss, then a meeting with one of our friendly team of experts at a free consultation can answer all your questions. Simply complete the form at the side of this page or click here to find your nearest clinic.


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