Mens Health Mag Runs Rule Over Hair Loss Treatments

General Hair Loss

It is easy to become bewildered by the choices of hair loss treatments when you start searching the internet for them, Mens Health has attempted to clear the fog.


Mens Health

mens health is a site that provides good information on the whole gamut of mens health matters and a whole lot more besides. They regularly cover hair related stories, as you might expect given that hair is a serious issue for pretty much all men whether they have it, are losing it, or have none at all. So when they ran a story on the available treatments for hair loss we took notice… always on alert for anything new or exciting.

Hair Loss Treatment Options


They ran the rule over what they say are the alternatives available on the market today and offer fairly candid assessments of their efficacy.

Low Level Light Therapy: Described as “the lowest level treatment” – relying on the anti-inflammatory properties of red light we are told that while this might help hair growth by reducing scalp problems, and may even help hair grow healthily, it is considered unlikely to be of much benefit to men or women looking to battle hereditary alopecia.

Nutraceuticals: The new name given to the plethora of untested herbal based remedies with lots of pseudo science behind them. The two most popular on the market are named as Nurafol and Viviscal. Neither of which are FDA approved, because there have been no studies performed on their efficacy, and will take a very long time to produce results even if they are achieved.

Approved Medicines: The FDA approved hair loss treatments remain stuck at just the two. Rogaine is a topical foam that has to be applied twice daily, while it has been clinically proven to slow down hair loss and regrow hair (occasionally) the American Hair Loss Association say the long term results can be disappointing. The other, more potent, option is Finasteride (marketed as Propecia). Propecia is an oral medicine only available to men, it needs to be taken every day… using it a third of patients can hope for some regrowth, a third will see their hair loss stop progressing, and a third will see no benefit. It takes months of use to find out which of those categories you fall into and comes with threats of side effects, notably sexual dysfunction.

Hair Transplantation: We do not need to tell any of our readers about hair transplants, around for the best part of 50 years and better now than ever. Yet the results are variable, even for superstars paying top dollar.

HIS Hair Clinic


It is a shame there was nothing genuinely new in the list, although no unexpected. Naturally we are disappointed to see that Scalp Micropigmentation did not make their list, given the drawbacks they mention with every other option it is remarkable that the one choice that is genuinely capable of returning the client to a full head of hair, or at least the totally convincing appearance of a full head of hair, is absent. It just goes to show that while SMP is by far the fastest growing solution in the market it remains in the shadows.

If you are ready to discuss your personal hair loss situation with one of your friendly team of experts simply complete the contact form at the side of this page to arrange a free consultation. Or click here to find your nearest clinic.


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