How long do YOU spend thinking about your hair loss?

General Hair Loss
How long do YOU spend thinking about hair loss?

How long do YOU spend thinking about hair loss?According to new research, it isn’t just women who are concerned with their appearance these days. From hair loss to excess weight, the average man is reported to spend a huge one and a half years worrying about their looks. When broken down, the average time men spend worrying about their hairline is 20 hours a year.

Men suffer from bad hair days too

Bad hair days are typically associated with women, but according to the recent study, men also suffer a lack of confidence if their hair isn’t right. A third of respondents claimed they lacked confidence during bad hair days and worryingly, a fifth of men opt to avoid social situations altogether due to fears over how they look.

It’s estimated men suffer around four bad hair days each month and they spend 14 minutes a day getting ready. While receding hairlines top the list of men’s baldness worries, greying hair is another big concern.

These figures show just how much time men actually spend worrying about the state of their hair. However, thanks to numerous innovative treatments, it’s never been easier to eliminate the worry.

The different treatments available

Hair loss treatments have come a long way over the past decade. While expensive treatments such as hair transplants are still a popular choice, there are much cheaper alternatives out there.

Just some of the options available include:

SMP – A tattoo style procedure which creates an illusion of hair follicles, helping to cover up total baldness or bald spots. It’s one of the best long-lasting treatments available and produces stunningly realistic results.

Minoxidil – An easy to use, topical treatment sold over the counter in 2% strengths and available via prescription in 5% strengths.

LLLT – Low level laser treatment encourages hair regrowth, while stopping hair loss in its tracks.

So, if you’re worrying about your receding, thinning hair, rather than stressing about it, why not use the time to seek one of the great, effective treatments above? Request a consultation with a hair expert today and see which treatment would be most effective for you.


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