A stark warning to women is reported on Expose.com – Heavy menstrual cycles have a direct effect on your hair health and can be a cause of substantial hair loss… At least there is something you can do about it.
Healthy Hair
Hair is made from a protein called Kerotin. When it is produced by your body it contains minute elements of everything that you have ingested. As such the condition of your hair is often an excellent barometer of your diet and general health – for women it is an essential piece of non-verbal communication that says a great deal about them as individuals. No doubt that is why the global hair care industry, according to statista.com, is estimated to be worth $83.1 Billion. Think about that for a moment – that is nearly $8 for every man woman and child on the planet. Fair to say then that we take our hair seriously.
The Menstrual Cycle and Your Hair
The experience of going through a cycle can vary, headaches and cramps are common, as is a general feeling of being under the weather. For some the symptoms can be more extreme and include bouts of depression. Symptoms are bought on by unusual hormone levels, fluctuating much more than normal during menstruation.
A feature of these fluctuating hormones can be increased oil production on the skin and scalp, in turn these can cause a build up of grease and a deterioration in hair quality. Ultimately it can lead to a diffuse thinning of the hair across the whole scalp.
What Can Be Done?
The positive news is that the problems can be managed. Key is learning your own cycle and getting your hair care tuned to it. If you suffer from flat and lifeless hair you will be reluctant to use a dry shampoo, though that is recommended for the week or so around your cycle. If you use conditioner at this time you should comb it from the middle to the end of the hair only. Using a bristle brush to distribute the natural oils in your hair will also help. Experts in the article also suggested changing your pillow cases more regularly and avoiding running your hands through your hair.
Because heavy periods can seriously deplete your reserves of iron it is strongly recommended that you take a supplement. Expert trichologist, Sally-Ann Tarver, quoted in the article, warned that even with daily high strength supplements some women will struggle to maintain good iron levels.