Traditional Father’s Day gifts include ties and dress shirts, golfing or fishing equipment, or a shaver. But what if your dad has a closet full of dress-wear, a shaver he already loves, and isn’t a golfer or fisherman? Nutritionist David Rodgers, M.S., is advocating you give him back something that he really wants: his own hair.
According to the Medem Medical Library, two-thirds of men begin balding by age sixty. Conventional wisdom tells us that men only have a few options when it comes to hair loss: accept it, take drugs for the rest of their lives, or have hair surgery or plugs. Rodgers has developed a new protocol using only dietary changes and natural supplements and topicals. He introduces the entire protocol in the book, “Reloaded: Natural Hair Loss Secrets for Safe, Effective Hair Growth.” The book is available at and most major online booksellers.
“Most people form their opinions on medical avenues through what their hear in the media and from friends and family,” Rodgers said. “Unfortunately, there are dozens of reliable studies regarding natural hair growth options that have never reached the eyes of the public. I’ve made it my job to uncover these hidden studies and turn them into a completely safe and natural protocol that can be used by anyone.”
According to Rodgers, there are four major causes of hair loss: nutrient deficiencies, thyroid hormone imbalance, prostate hormone imbalance, and calcification. Each of these causes has a number of specific solutions backed by footnoted studies that are outlined first throughout the book’s main chapters, and then condensed into an action guide that includes brand names, dosages, and a rating system of efficacy for each therapy.
Rodgers began work on his protocol due to his own concern with hair loss. “Most of the men in my family have experienced some amount of hair loss, and at age 28, I began to notice the same issue,” he said. “However, as I have a science and research background and I am a nutritionist, I began scouring the medical literature for proven avenues to both slow and reverse the regression of hair. I continue to use my protocols every day – they are inexpensive and quickly become easy habits.”
Rodgers’ before and after hair pictures are shown on the book’s cover and were taken 10 months apart using the same camera in the same location with the same lighting. Additionally, both pictures were taken very shortly after a haircut using the same level electric razor attachment. Rodgers is looking for others to help him with before and after pictures taken in a similar manner.
“If your dad is interested in regrowing his hair, and especially if he doesn’t mind tweaking his diet in a few key areas, and taking a few to several inexpensive, natural supplements,” said Rodgers, “he will probably love you for helping him restore or retain his youthful head of hair.”