Can a vegan diet cause hair loss?

General Hair Loss, Hair Loss Drugs
vegan hair loss

vegan hair lossSome experts have issued a warning that vegan and vegetarian diets could possibly accelerate the onset of hair loss in men. This is because meat is known to contain vital iron and other nutrients which contribute to healthy hair growth.

How can vegan diets affect hair?

Vegan diets have increased in popularity over the last few years, with dieters eliminating dairy, meat and other animal products from their diets. Celebrities who follow a vegan diet or endorse vegan products claim that veganism can help you to lose weight and increase your longevity, causing many people to drastically rethink and alter their eating habits.

Unfortunately, by skipping meat, dairy and other animal products you could be missing out on vital nutrients – especially iron. Iron deficiencies are known to accelerate hair loss as iron is essential for healthy hair growth. Although it is possible to consume iron from other sources, it is more difficult and chances are vegans are not consuming enough iron. The NHS recommends that men should be consuming at least 8.7mg of iron per day.

How does hair loss affect men?

Hair loss is estimated to affect up to fifty percent of men by the time they reach the age of fifty, although some men end up suffering from thinning hair and receding hairlines from an even younger age.

A survey carried out by a national pharmacy has found that thirty eight percent of men under the age of thirty five admitted that their hair loss had given them feelings of depression. Sadly, another twenty six percent of men even admitted to drinking or taking drugs more frequently as a result.

Men who are already suffering from hair loss can take the drug Finasteride as an oral supplement in order to promote some hair regrowth and to stop hair thinning. The drug works by regulating the production of the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT), this hormone is known to weaken hair follicles leading to the onset of male pattern baldness.

If you are worried about your hair loss and whether your diet may be affecting your hair then please give us a call for a free consultation on 0121 516 1767


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