Bristol Open Day Review

General Hair Loss

One of our newest clinics opened the doors for its first open day last month, we spoke to Alex, the genial proprietor and host for the event.

Alex’s Road To Success

Arrive at one of our latest clinics for an appointment and you will find yourself in the hands of the talented Alex Baynes. Alex’s reputation as a talented artist of note saw him bring a wealth of transferable skills to his work as an SMP practitioner. As a client he was completely blown away by what SMP did for him, as an artist he appreciated the visual quality of SMP and its ability to make a difference to peoples lives. He decided to train to become a practitioner and has never looked back. Hitting the ground running in training his eye for detail and patience marked him out from the moment he picked up a needle. Fast forward a couple of years to Thursday 25th January and Alex, as an experienced and supremely confident practitioner, hosts his first ever open day at his very own HIS clinic.

The Day…

The day saw a steady flow of interested guests come through the doors, at one point Alex tells us he was talking to four at the same time. If that ran the risk of it feeling like a classroom they were saved by the subject matter and the presence of a real life client actually being treated. And if the effects of SMP can be difficult to judge during and immediately after treatment there was always Alex’s own head to admire. A hectic but hugely rewarding day for our Alex, who sends his thanks to everyone that came along, he hopes you had half as much fun as he did. Maybe you can find your way to the forum and share your experience.

So until the next one Alex can get back to the day job of changing lives with his talent. Either with his beautiful pieces of art , or with his passion for delivering world class Scalp Micropigmentation.

HIS Hair Clinic

We are always excited to see another talented practitioner developed by HIS branch out and open their own clinic.  The Bristol location is an important addition bringing a clinic within reach for millions in the south west of England and in south  Wales. At HQ, where Alex trained, we are all familiar with the quality of his work, we wish him all the best and are confident he will become a popular choice.

If you want to book a consultation with Alex, or any of our friendly team of experts, simply complete the contact form at the side of this page or click here to find your nearest clinic.



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