Katie Price Under Fire for Straightening Her Daughter’s Hair

Celebrities, General Hair Loss
Katie Price

Katie PriceKatie Price is no stranger to negative media attention and public criticism regarding her appearance. However, most recently it’s not her appearance that has got everyone talking. Her parenting skills have been brought into question by the public, the media and her ex-husband Peter Andre, after pictures emerged of her daughter Princess, with straightened hair.

In the picture, Katie had stated how lucky Princess was to have natural long blonde hair. However, not everyone saw the ‘beautiful side’, with many claiming she is damaging her daughter’s natural curly long locks. So just how damaging can straighteners be and are critics right to lash out?

Experts warn over the use of straighteners

Hair loss expert, Glenn Lyons, who works at the London based Phillip Kingsley Clinic, has claimed using straighteners is almost as damaging as chemicals on the hair. Out of all of the hair appliances out there, straighteners are the ones that produce the highest heat intensity.

Over time, this can lead to trichorrhexis nodosa, which causes weak points in the hair. This would then cause the hair to break off. The condition isn’t treatable so the hair would need to grow out. Mr Lyons claims if Princess developed the condition, it would take at least two years for it to grow out.

Of course, the warning should be taken by all women who straighten their hair regularly. While straightening every now and again isn’t likely to lead to trichorrhexis nodosa, regular use will. Long-term use can also lead to hair thinning and give it a dull appearance.

Protecting the hair

Whilst no amount of heat protective products can completely protect the hair against damage, they can minimise it. So if you are one of the third of women who can’t live without their straighteners, you need to make sure you’re protecting the hair as much as possible beforehand.

Protective heat styling products such as sprays and oils, can really help to protect the hair. Teflon coated irons are also recommended as they produce steam which in turn moisturises the hair during use.

Overall the criticism Katie is facing over using straighteners on her daughter’s hair has brought into question the safety of heat styling products. Many women have found out the hard way that regular use of heat intensive styling appliances can cause significant hair breakage.

Don’t take the risk with your own luscious locks, limit your use of straighteners and be sure to protect the hair with appropriate heat protective products.


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