Jude Law’s new look shows his hairline is receding more than ever

Jude Law's receding hairline is the topic of much speculation

Jude Law's receding hairline is the topic of much speculationWhilst many of us marvel with envy at the wondrous celebrity lifestyle of movie stars it is worth remembering that there are downsides to being constantly in the public gaze, as Jude Law recently found out when the Sun newspaper drew attention to his receding hair line.

Press speculation about transplants

The newspaper presents the reader with a plethora of images of Jude’s hairstyle at an event in Italy and speculates whether or not the rumours of a hair transplant are true. Then, by way of hammering home the actor’s apparent hair loss it presents earlier images of a more hirsute Law with a mop of blonde hair.

If the actor has undergone a hair transplant, chances are he might need another one in the future, as stars like Wayne Rooney could have told him. Whilst hair transplants can be very effective in delaying the visible signs of male-pattern baldness, they can’t halt the process all together, and many men are disapppointed to find that their hairline continues to recede behind the newly transplanted follicles.

How to get guaranteed results

If Jude really is losing his hair, now might be the time for him to throw the press off the track and it might pay for him to investigate the benefits of scalp micropigmentation (SMP). This increasingly popular treatment is often so effective that not even close family members realise that there’s any kind of hair loss going on.

The procedure is non-invasive and is carried out by a skilled practitioner, usually over the course of two or three sessions by injecting organic ink compounds into the scalp to create a startlingly realistic illusion of layered hair. Even better the treatment can be used to cover scars or blemishes.

Unlike a transplant, the procedure is relatively cheap, permanent and has guaranteed results without the need for surgery. Whilst the look won’t replace his previous shaggy mane of blonde locks it will present a rugged, close cropped image.
So, if Jude wants to stop the press speculation about his thinning hair and put an end to the has he/hasn’t he had a transplant debate he might want to consider taking a razor to his remaining hair and give his local SMP clinic a call.


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“I’m A Celebrity – Get Me Out Of Here!” Contestant Talks Hair Transplants

