Has West Ham boss Slaven Bilic had a hair transplant?

Celebrities, Hair Transplant Surgery, SMP Information
Has West Ham Boss Slaven Bilic had a hair transplant?

Has West Ham Boss Slaven Bilic had a hair transplant?In the highly paid world of Premiership football there’s always a chance that you might make the news off the field as well as on it. The Daily Mail particularly frequently charts the extra-curricular activities of football stars and from time to time likes to enter into the “have they/haven’t they” had a hair transplant debate.

Making the best use of the two week break to change his image

Following speculation about Wayne Rooney, Jurgen Klopp and Antonio Conte the latest celebrity to receive attention for his hair loss (or lack of it) is Slaven Bilic, the West Ham manager. The Mail provides compelling evidence in before and after photographs to illustrate that Bilic does indeed look more hirsute following the two week international break.

Whilst the surgical procedure, which involves migrating healthy hair from the back of the head to the front can have excellent results, transplants are not to be undertaken lightly. The path can be painful and long with repeated treatments often required and prohibitively high cost for many people. If the reported £30,000 that Rooney has spent on transplants is anything to go by then it’s a solution for people with very deep pockets.

Other options than the transplant

Another option for sportsmen, who often prefer the shorter smarter look is scalp micropigmentation. Unlike the transplant it’s not invasive and is far cheaper, with guaranteed results.

Rather than trying to transplant healthy follicles, a skilled practitioner can create a very realistic illusion of real hair in two to three sessions by applying an organic pigment to the scalp. The finished look is clean cut and equally accepted on the football pitch as in the boardroom.

Even better, the technique can be used on a completely bald head to create a buzz cut style or it can be used with existing remaining hair to reduce scalp reflection and contrast.



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