Gawker Sued Over Claims Trump’s Hair is Not His Own


Donald TrumpDonald Trump is certainly no stranger to media attention. However, he probably wasn’t expecting a large proportion of that attention to be focused around his hair.

There has been a lot of speculation surrounding Trump’s hair, with the latest rumour speculating that he is actually sporting a $60,000 weave.

The source of the story, Gawker Media, is now being sued for the article by Hulk Hogan’s lawyer, Charles J. Harder. Why? Because according to Harder, the article written by Gawker was false and defamatory.

So Trump doesn’t have a $60,000 weave?

Apparently not! Sources claim the potential President’s hair is 100% natural, with a hair transplant years ago being the only treatment he underwent. So why is Gawker being sued? Because they mentioned hair treatment clinic “Ivari International”.

It was noted Trump relied upon a treatment only carried out by Ivari International – Microcylinder Intervention”. It even went on to suggest that the hair clinic has a New York location within Trump Tower reserved for Trump’s personal use. Now Harder is claiming the article led to “substantial punitive and monetary damages”.

All in all, the lawyer claims the article contained 19 false statements and is demanding it now be removed.

What is Microcylinder intervention?

You likely haven’t heard of Microcylinder intervention and that’s because it’s only performed by Ivari International. It sounds very much like a hair transplant, though there are a lot more options available. Patients can choose the texture, length and thickness of the hair that is added to the bald parts of the scalp. It can also be carried out in a single session, lasting around 10 hours long.

It does provide immediate results, but as it isn’t widely available what alternatives can the average hair loss sufferer turn to? It really depends upon your level of hair loss. If it’s severe, a hair transplant or SMP are worth considering. If you’ve only just started to lose your hair, medication could be a better option.

Overall this isn’t the first time the media has targeted Trump’s hair and it likely won’t be the last. It does however highlight how important hair is to a man and raises awareness of the different techniques available to treat hair loss.


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