Actor says hair transplant helped him on road to recovery

Celebrities, Hair Transplant Surgery
Actor says hair transplant helped him on road to recovery

Actor says hair transplant helped him on road to recoveryTom Sizemore has known the highs and lows of fame more than most and now he’s back on the right track he recently opened up about his past to the Daily Mail. The tough guy actor ,who appeared in some of the grittiest movies of the 90s including Saving Private Ryan and Natural Born Killers, disappeared for more than a decade in a haze of drug addiction and prison and is only now beginning to piece his career back together and he attributes his returning confidence to his recently transplanted hair.

Asked Jack Nicholson for a $10 million loan

Addicted to crystal meth, cocaine and heroin Sizemore threw everything away. He sold his house to raise cash and at one point even asked Jack Nicholson for a $10 million loan, which was politely refused. As his world crumbled he was forced to live in a squat for two years with no electricity or running water. Then came prison, where he had 11 fights in his first week with inmates who were trying to get some kind of kudos from his Hollywood status.

Starring in the Twin Peaks reboot

The good news for Sizemore is that he’s got his life back on track and has been sober for over four years and as a result he’s about to appear in a movie with Liam Neeson and Diane Lane, Felt as well as landing a starring role in the Twin Peaks reboot.

Sizemore felt the hair transplant surgery was a great way of demonstrating that he was back, clean and fitter than ever. It wasn’t just a symbolic gesture though. As an actor, there’s a very practical reason for undergoing the procedure. In his words “I don’t care who knows about my hair I’m very proud of it…Every day that goes by I feel better, and having my hair done gives me the self confidence that every actor needs”.


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