Scalp micropigmentation for alopecia totalis


Androgenic alopecia might be the most common hair loss condition treated. It is not however the only one that can be remedied. Alopecia areata may also be experienced by a small group of people. It is a type of balding that results in the random appearance of patchy bald areas with a distinct round shape. There have been some cases where this has been successfully addressed though it would still depend on what was used to treat it. Some remedies are more effective than others. There are also different results and recovery times for any product or service used. Fortunately, scalp micropigmentation is quite consistent when done by a reputable establishment.

Andy is from Warsaw in the West Midlands. He was able to receive treatment for his alopecia areata totalis at the Birmingham branch of HIS Hair Clinic. His balding condition is a more advanced manifestation of alopecia areata. It does not cause the scalp to lose hair sporadically and instead results in total hair loss over the entire head. Andy has had this for about eleven to twelve years before he was able to get it treated.
He admitted that he had to save up before he went through with his procedure. Andy not only wanted his scalp to be treated, he sought to have some stubble recreated on his jawline as well. There was some pain he felt in some parts more than others during his sessions. This was something that he was not ashamed to disclose. He understood however that this was only temporary and that it would all be worth it after the procedure was complete. Due to the severity of the balding, each of the initial two sessions took about six hours. The last two on the other hand took half a day to finish. Andy was aware of the duration of these sessions so he thought that it would be best to bring some music to entertain him. It did seem to go by quite fast even if it sounded like a long time.
Andy thought that the people who handled his case were welcoming and helpful. They were very considerate about what he was feeling and made sure that he was comfortable throughout the process. He shares that he took some painkillers to try to alleviate some of the discomfort. His past experience from some tattoos he received prepared him for any discomfort he might feel from scalp micropigmentation. He also had some cream applied on his face in anticipation for this. Andy experienced the most sensitivity at the back of the head and around his temples. He added that the bony area around his face was where he felt the most sensation however it was not anything that was unbearable.
Scalp micropigmentation definitely improved his confidence. He is able to walk around with his head fully exposed though he does have to wear a hat on occasion. This is not due to any feelings of self-consciousness but only because it could become quite cold. He looks forward however to a warmer climate where he does not have to put it on anymore. His friends and family love the treatment and Andy is really glad that he got it.


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Fighting alopecia areata with scalp micropigmentation
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Are you too young for scalp micropigmentation?

