Jeremy Piven and the mystery of his hair loss treatments


As he gears up to reprise the role of the fast talking Ari Gold for the new Entourage movie set to hit theaters next year, Jeremy Piven is back in the spotlight. And with that, the discussion about whether Piven (49) has had a hair transplant or wears a great toupee.

The three time Emmy winner got his start in television appearing on the Larry Sanders Show and the legendary show Seinfeld. Piven was only 28 years old when he appeared on Seinfeld and one clearly see how aggressive his hair loss was back then.

Piven would go on to make numerous supporting role appearances in television and film before landing the role of Ari Gold that launched him into stardom. But after several seasons of watching Piven bring the quick-witted super agent life, one could see how the hair was, well, very much there.

How can a 28 year old who looks like this:

Piven - Seinfeld

To looking like this 20 years later:

Piven (B)

Something drastic certainly happened.

In 2010, paparazzi snapped Piven on vacation in Hawaii. While swimming, Piven removed his hat to reveal a very large, horizontal scar consistent with what is typically left behind after a hair transplant.

Piven - Hawaii

When asked about it Piven said the scar was a result of a surgery that attempted to conceal an old scar from an ‘acting injury’. While that’s very possible, it’s unlikely. We’re not here to say that Piven is lying, but the scar is certainly suspicious. Given the nature, length, and positioning of the scar — not to mention the noticeable increase in hair recent years — one could safely assume that Piven did in fact under go a hair transplant.

Jeremy Piven before and after

In a Daily Mirror article, UK hair transplant doctor Dr Bessam Farjo said, “From the picture, I would say he has had around 3,000 grafts, costing up to £9,000.” The article also state that Piven wasn’t really up for talking about whether he had the procedure or not when contacted for comment.

Piven may not be talking, but as they say: a picture is worth a thousand words. Or 3,000 grafts and one scar, as the case may be.


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Did Jason Alexander Have a Hair Transplant?

