How long will it take for my final SMP appearance to form?

A normal client depending upon balding or hair loss extent, will take two to five treatments to achieve their final appearance. The first treatment often places a very light application on the scalp to assess fading and density levels. The normal reaction from many clients is to assume that the SMP is too light and to be a bit nervous. However, this is a normal part of the treatment and allows the practitioners to better treat the scalp in later sessions. The second treatment adds the majority of the density to your new look. Treatments number three or later are usually for completing the look, addressing darkness matching or to even the density across the scalp.

What will my scalp look like immediately after a treatment?

The area of the scalp that has been treated will have some redness for between 2-5 days after treatment, although this tends to be less visible on those with darker skin tones. In addition, the pigmentation will be darker for up to 7 days after treatment, again depending on your skin tone. Thereafter, the pigmentation will appear to become lighter and softer as the pigment filled scabs begin to flake away.

How long after a treatment will I notice fading?

The majority of fading will take place as the darker pigment filled scabs flake away from the epidermis in the first three to ten days. As excess pigment trapped in the epidermis is sloughed away, slower fading will continue in the first three to four weeks roughly. By about one month after any treatment, the pigments will begin to ‘set’, and thereafter, fading will be almost zero.

Are there any guidelines for my frontal hairline or temples?

Some clients prefer a very natural broken hairline at the front while others prefer a very defined and dark hairline. Even if a client wants a defined hairline, we often ask them to try a more neutral less defined look during the first one or two treatments. This allows them to adjust to their new appearance and have more time to consider if they indeed prefer a really defined look.
Some clients also wish for drastically lowered frontal hairlines or temples. The standard rule here is three fingers above the eyebrows. Any frontal hairline lower than this and a client risks looking odd, especially as they age. One nice benefit of SMP is the ability to recreate almost any hairline desired, but HIS policy is to frown on any changes which make a client look noticeably fake or unnatural. After all, HIS’ reputation is on the line with every client who leaves one of our clinics.

What is Body Dsymorphic Disorder (BDD) and how is it treated by HIS?

BDD is a psychiatric disorder and mental illness in which a patient believes they suffer from some physical defect to their appearance which hinders their ability to lead life normally or perform regular daily functions. The risk is greatest in those who suffer from appearance changing conditions (such as cystic acne, eczema, weight gain, etc…) shortly after puberty begins. For some men, the stress acquired from early thinning or balding during their teen or college years can lead them to a BDD outlook. For this particular subset of men, even perfect SMP or beautiful shading and density of the SMP dots on their scalp will often not help to lift their mood. For this reason, HIS treats clients who may be suffering from BDD quite carefully and it is normal procedure to only treat the scalp with SMP until it returns to the shaved look of a normal and healthy Norwood I or II appearance. Clients who suffer from BDD and who continue to seek touch-ups and treatments beyond this healthy state may be denied further treatment. HIS reserves the right to deny treatment to any client who appears to be seeking unrealistic or unnatural results.

Are there any other important tips regarding appearance before I seek a consultation or begin my treatments?

One common misconception is the reflectivity of the shaved scalp. Even in men or women who have a very dense Norwood I level of hair growing from the scalp, if they shave their head with a razor blade down to the skin, they will appear bald at certain angles in harsh lighting that is directly overhead. This is a consequence of their scalp skin reflecting light away, and is also very dependent upon the type of matte lotion that is worn. While SMP can offer an incredibly positive change to most clients, it is also important to begin treatments with a realistic expectation of what is possible.

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