The Hair Loss Super Plant

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Can this common grocery store and pantry staple lend a helping hand in the fight against hair loss?

The Mibelle Group, a Swiss biochemistry research, believes that they may have discovered a way to combat the increased sensitivity hair follicles experience as we age with basil extract.
Head of Research (no pun intended) Dr. Daniel Schmid recently explained during a cosmetics event in Barcelona how the company is launching a new hair loss product called RootBioTec HO. “The RootBioTec HO is designed for hair oils, serums and conditioners as it stimulates hair papilla cells and reduces hair loss.” Dr. Schmid went on to explain that “it strongly inhibits the activity of 5α reductase II – the enzyme that promotes the conversation of testosterone to DHT, ultimately stimulating dermal papilla cells and helps renew hair activity in those that suffer from androgenic alopecia.”
The Mibelle Group conducted a study where researches starved the cells responsible for hair growth and administered RootBioTec HO which then improved their regeneration by a reported 23%. The study, conducted over the span of two months on subjects (read: bald people) ranging from mild to moderate hair loss, reported the ability to slow and reduce hair loss by 26% in the first month and an impressive 31% in the second month.
The key to RootBioTec HO: basil extract. Or the root of basil plant to be exact (hence the name RootBioTec HO?). Early studies are suggestion that RootBioTec HO is able to not only prevent hair loss, but enable hair loss sufferers to regain fuller, denser hair. Why basil? Basil has been used around in the world because of its medicinal properties, especially in places like India. It is rich in essential oils and is packed potent antioxidants with anti-ageing, anti-cancer, anti-viral and anti-microbial properties. The Mibelle Group has been able to develop a technique that produces high amounts of these active components of basil. Using the root of the basil plant, The Mibelle Group has bene to able to turn these phytogenic (fancy way of saying ‘derived from or formed by plants’) components into something of pharmaceutical value.
The research team at the Mibelle Group continues their research and development on RootBioTec HO and should have it available for the public in the near future.


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