James Nesbitt’s hair transplant has inspired his co-stars

Celebrities, Hair Transplant Surgery
Jame's Nesbitt's hair transplant has inspired his co-stars

Jame's Nesbitt's hair transplant has inspired his co-starsMore and more celebrities are turning to hair transplant procedures these days, and the latest is former Fast Show star John Thomson. And he has one person to thank for pointing him in the right direction: his friend and Cold Feet co-star James Nesbitt.

Boosting his dating chances

According to an article in the Mirror, the recently-divorced Thomson realised he was going through hair loss issues and decided to boost his online dating chances by having something done about it. Having seen what a hair transplant procedure had done for his co-worker, he checked into a London hair transplant clinic and walked away with a fuller head of hair.

“I might have got away with a bald head if my build was different,” Thomson confided in an interview, “but thin men carry it off better.”

No need for Cold Feet when it comes to hair transplants

With more and more men turning to hair transplant technology to boost their confidence, knock a few years off the clock and improve their appearance, maybe it’s time people like you took the plunge, beginning with a professional hair loss consultation which will give you the opportunity to discuss what you’d like, and solid, advice on what surgical procedures like hair transplants can do.

Maybe a hair transplant would be the best course of treatment, or perhaps an SMP procedure would be a better option to solve your hair loss problems. Either way, you’ll be taking a very firm step towards addressing your hair issues.

It’s certainly done wonders for John Thomson. Problem is, now he’s got his hair sorted out, he still appears to be having no lick in the online dating stakes – because people refuse to believe that a celebrity would be using an online dating service. And that is something the hair transplant industry can’t help him with….


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