Lyme Disease Bombshell: disease that causes hair loss described as ‘one of the most dangerous illnesses to mankind’

Specific Conditions
lyme disease and hair loss

lyme disease and hair lossBillionaire John Caudwell recently spoke to the Daily Mail about the devastating effect that Lyme disease has had on his family. Attacking the assertion of the governmental health body, Public Health England (PHE), that Lyme disease can only be caught from a bite from a tick, Caudwell is convinced that this disease can be passed through sexual contact or pregnancy.

To support his argument, he points to the fact that a staggering 11 members of his family have recently been diagnosed with Lyme disease. In his view, Lyme disease, an infectious bacterial disease that was first diagnosed in the early 1970s in America, could become a dangerous epidemic.


Lyme disease can affect multiple channels of the body. Symptoms of Lyme disease do not occur instantly or overnight and can often lay dormant for weeks. Symptoms typically and most commonly include a red rash and flu like symptoms such as fever, headaches and fatigue. Severe symptoms include hallucinations, hair loss, dental pain, muscle and joint problems to name a few.

Is there a cure for Lyme disease?

Lyme disease can more often than not be cured through prescribed antibiotics although recurrent symptoms require medical attention. Symptoms and side effects of Lyme disease such as hair loss may need treating separately.

How to restore your hair

It is not understood exactly what causes Lyme disease related alopecia but the good news it that it is usually temporary. It’s thought that it could be related to the various medications prescribed to treat the symptoms of Lyme disease or, most likely, as a result of the high levels of stress that sufferers of the disease experience. Hair loss due to stress is known as telogen effluvium and most sufferers tend to recover when the stressor is alleviated. However, for a long-term condition such as Lyme disease, that can be more difficult.

For those who wish to improve the vitality of their scalp and hair follicles, PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) offers a non-surgical natural method of hair restoration that is increasing in popularity. For more information on stress-related hair loss, an appointment with a hair loss expert should always be the first step, as often advice and counselling at this stage can help relieve the anxiety that is the underlying cause.


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