What bothers men about going bald?

General Hair Loss, SMP Information
What bothers men about going bald

What bothers men about going baldComing to terms with the fact that you are beginning to lose your hair is not at all easy – especially when you haven’t even hit forty years old and have always imagined yourself stylishly ageing with a head full of salt and pepper coloured hair.

As there are two possible routes of hair loss, some men may not even realise they are losing their hair at all until a second person points it out to them, which can be difficult and sometimes even embarrassing to hear.

The routes to hair loss

The first route is where the hairline begins to recede from the temples; every man will note this gradual change as he looks into the mirror every day. The second is where the hair will begin to thin out at the top of the head, unfortunately this realisation can hit harder as some men may remain blissfully unaware until it’s too late.

Many men feel conscious about losing their hair before they have even settled down in their personal life and in their careers. Our hair can become a crucial part of our appearance and act as a source of our self-confidence, so when it starts to thin out and lose its usual voluminous look, unsurprisingly men can start to feel insecure. Therefore part of our identity takes a hit and we need time to recover and come to terms with our appearance again.

Some hair loss prevention medications on the market, such as Finasteride, give so many unpleasant side effects, that many men find its cons outweigh the one benefit of hair growth and choose not to take the medication.

How can I deal with my baldness?

If your hair is thinning so much that no hair style seems to work, you can still go bald with style. A scalp micropigmentation (SMP) procedure is a simple, pain-free and permanent solution to baldness which has helped so many young and elderly men by restoring their confidence and enhancing their appearance.

SMP works by depositing pigment on the scalp to imitate hair follicles, giving a natural and highly realistic look of a shaved head. Men can plan with their SMP technician the hairline design they would like which would work best to enhance their facial features or can opt for a style that imitates their natural hairline.


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