How to embrace your baldness

General Hair Loss, SMP Information
How to embrace your baldness

How to embrace your baldnessLosing your hair doesn’t have to be quite as ungraceful and cringe-worthy as you’re thinking it will be. In fact, have you ever noticed most men at the top of the ‘sexiest men’ lists are usually missing hair? Think of ‘The Rock’ (Dwanye Johnson), Jason Statham or Vin Diesel – all men who are often typecast as the heroes who save the day and get the girl of their dreams.

With a bit of thought and careful styling, you too can embrace your baldness and create a unique attractive look of your own.

To shave or not to shave

If you are only just beginning to notice your hair thinning or perhaps a receding hairline, you don’t have to go for the chop immediately. In fact, make the most of what you have left by visiting a barber or hair stylist who can correctly assess the hair fall and help you choose a style which will enhance and give a thicker appearance of hair to your current look.

If you’re going bald on top but still have thick hair around the front, you could grow it out and brush or style your hair over the balding spot. Otherwise if you’ve noticed your hairline is receding, a choppy and textured cut can conceal thinning around the temples. Side partings on receding hairlines unfortunately will just emphasize the appearance of thinner hair.

Many men consider using medications such as minoxidil which is known to prevent and sometimes reverse male pattern hair loss. Minoxidil is a very popular option and comes in a topical solution which is to be applied on the scalp; it works by enhancing blood flow to the scalp which is thought to encourage hair growth.

What if I’ve already lost my hair?

If hair loss is so extreme that it can no longer be concealed, the best thing to do now is to shave it off. If it’s your first time, try to get your head shaved professionally at a barber shop so you don’t accidently cut yourself with a razor.

Remember, now as more skin is exposed you need to take care of your scalp in the same way you would as the hair on your face. Exfoliate once a week and apply moisturise and sunscreen daily, anti-shine moisturisers are popular with bald men. You could also think about framing your face with some facial hair to add structure and personality to your look.

Keep in mind though; there are hair loss solutions out there even for bald men. Scalp Micro Pigmentation is an increasingly popular procedure amongst men as it gives a natural, graceful appearance of hair and requires little to no extra upkeep.


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