Receding hairline? Here’s what to do about it

Receding Hairline

If you’re starting to experience hair loss, a receding hairline is the first thing you’ll notice. More than 50% of men will suffer from male pattern hair loss at some point in their lives, and as the name suggests, it does tend to follow a pattern.

Generally, a receding hairline is followed by a thinning at the crown. If you’re really unlucky, you might get both at once.

So the good news is that you’re not alone. And that might go some way to soothing your pride, but it doesn’t solve the problem. Luckily, there are a few things you can try to restore your hairline to its former glory. Or at least somewhere near it.

1. Consider changing your hairstyle

If you’re not quite ready to think about hair loss treatments, but would quite like to disguise your receding hairline, why not try a trip to the barber.

Tempting as it might be to grow your remaining hair a bit longer and use it to cover up the thinning areas, expert advice is to do the opposite. By cutting your hair shorter at the back and sides, you will balance out any thinning that might be happening on top.

Another option is to shave it off completely. This might sound extreme, particularly if you’re only at the early stages of hair loss. But remember, without treatment the hairline will continue to recede. And if you choose to shave your head now, it won’t be so obvious to observers that you were pushed into it through hair loss.

If you’re keen to go for the shave, but can’t quite cope with the full skinhead look, you could think about giving SMP a go. This revolutionary treatment uses micro-injections of pigment across the scalp to create the illusion of a buzz cut. You can even choose your own hairline!

2. Hair loss drugs

There are two main contenders currently available in the hair loss drugs market, and there are pros and cons to both of them.

Minoxidil is a topical treatment that is used to widen the blood vessels in the scalp, promoting new hair growth.

Finasteride is taken orally and functions as a blocker to the hormone DHT, which is what causes male-pattern hair loss in the first place.

Both of these drugs are prescription medications, and are proven to be relatively effective. However they do come with side effects, and it is important to seek medical advice before embarking on a course of treatment with either of them.

3. Hair loss products

There are any number of shampoos, hair oils and supplements on the market that claim to treat hair loss, not to mention all the “home remedies” recommended on the internet.

The truth is that there are products and supplements out there that will have an impact on your hair loss, but they do need to have the right formulation. But very little of what is available on the high street is effective.

If you are seriously concerned about hair loss and would like to stop it in its tracks, your first port of call should be a hair loss expert.

For more information or to book a free consultation, please contact us by phone on either 0121 516 1767 (Birmingham) or 020 8159 9060 (London).


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