TRX2 – Hair Loss Miracle Or Just More Snake Oil?

General Hair Loss, Other Topics

At first it just looked like yet another run of the mill hair loss solution, this time in capsule form. It made a very familiar set of claims and requires, as is usual for this approach, months of taking your medicine before any improvement begins, and the best part of a year before any really noticeable improvement is achieved.


Location, Location, Location!

Image result for oxford biolabs

In fact, it all looked so familiar and humdrum that we almost missed the key element of the story that set it apart from the dozens of other similar stories we read on a monthly basis. Of course reading those stories is an essential part of what we do here, you would expect us to read all the way to the end (not least so that you don’t have to). On this occasion our perseverance was rewarded because it was only at the very end of the article that we spotted what makes this interesting… The team behind it are headquartered in the Oxford Science Park… an area dedicated to the incubation of some of the smart ideas coming out of the world renowned Oxford University, one of the worlds leading centres of biochemical research.

Oxford BioLabs Ltd

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Oxford BioLabs were formed back in 2009 to develop health and beauty therapies with the declared areas of focus listed as androgenetic alopecia, hair pigmentation and rejuvenation and skin care. Their CEO and scientific lead is a chap called Dr Thomas Whitfield, an internationally recognised expert in more than one field but of particular interest to us is that he is author of a number of peer-reviewed publications and international patents in the field of androgenetic alopecia.

Approaching their seventh year in business Oxford BioLabs now have offices in Germany, the Ukraine and in the USA.





Back in 2011 Oxford BioLabs launched their TRX2 product.  By combining powerful metabolic stimulants (Potassium, BCAA, Nicotinic Acid) with a natural energy-generating substance (L-carnitine-L-tartrate), the team claim they can maintain normal healthy hair on a molecular level. In our language that means they can prevent further hair loss from the advance of male pattern baldness and, in time, even trigger regrowth. The contents are all natural which sets it apart from the FDA approved products offering the same results – which means it is available for use by women too!

In Summary

We have no first hand experience to share about the efficacy of this product, but we are super impressed by the authenticity of the team behind it – and would love to hear from anyone who has used it.

HIS Hair Clinics

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The team at HIS are not only committed to delivering hair loss solutions… they are about finding the right treatment appropriate for every client that comes through the door. To discuss your options at a free consultation with one of our experts please find your nearest clinic by clicking here


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