Technology companies compete to beat hair loss

Future Treatments, Other Topics
technology companies compete to beat hair loss

technology companies compete to beat hair lossTech companies are getting in on the billion-pound hair loss industry in 2017, competing to offer a viable, effective solution. In preparation for the huge Las Vegas based CES 2017 event, two new high-tech hair loss devices have been unveiled. So, what are these devices and could they be the future in hair loss treatment?

Introducing the iGrow and Hair Coach

The first new, futuristic device is Aspira Science’s impressive iGrow. The device combines a helmet, headphones and lasers. Sounds pretty cool, right? The helmet is designed to be worn for 25 minutes, in which time a staggering 51 lasers along with LED lights, get to work to make the hair thicker and stronger than ever before. It’s not the first time lasers have been used to treat hair loss but it is set to become one of the best at-home hair loss solutions.

The second device is the Hair Coach brush. Designed by top fitness brand Withings, the brush assesses the condition of the hair to establish how dry and prone to damage it is. It also gives users feedback on the way they brush their hair. This device is more of a prevention measure, rather than a hair loss cure.

Which is better?

While both of these unveiled devices are impressive, in terms of treating hair loss, the iGrow is definitely the device to watch out for. The reason it has caused so much excitement in the industry is because it makes use of lasers – something that is already widely used by hair loss clinics around the globe.

Low level laser treatment (LLLT), is currently approved by the American Food and Drug Administration and has proven to be an effective hair loss treatment. It’s known to be painless and is largely used to stop hair loss in its tracks, as well as encourage hair regrowth.

While it may take a while before devices such as the iGrow are available to buy in the UK, LLLT offered at hair loss clinics is currently a fantastic solution. Remember, hair loss can be caused by numerous factors so it’s important to have an assessment prior to trying out any hair loss treatments.


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