There are many questions that will be on the minds of anyone considering a hair transplant, but probably first and foremost will be the question of whether the procedure will result in a full head of hair afterwards. The answer is that it very much depends, and that it can change and evolve over time. Here’s what you should typically expect to see from the days and weeks following a hair transplant.
The first couple of weeks
The first two weeks after the transplant has taken place are the most important in terms of ascertaining whether or not the grafts have been successful. Care will need to be taken to give your newly transplanted hairs a fighting chance of survival, and your surgeon will be able to give specific guidance on suitable aftercare. You can expect that the transplant area will look red and feel a little sore for the first few days, but this will soon pass. Hair washing during this time, especially the first day or so after surgery, should be done gently.
By around the third or fourth week after having surgery, the newly transplanted hairs will actually fall out – but don’t be alarmed, this is perfectly normal. This is a necessary part of the natural hair growth/re-growth cycle and is caused by temporary loss of blood to the follicle as part of the operating procedure. If the transplant has worked successfully, the roots will now be in place and in time, new hair will grow.
The first couple of months
After two to four months, new hair should start appearing from the transplant site, and this should intensify during month five to month nine. New hair in this early growth phase will be finer than normal, but will thicken over time.
The first couple of years
After the first year or so, you should expect to have growth from around three quarters of the new implants. By year two you will have a clear idea of what the final result of your surgery has achieved. It is important to remember that every case is unique and people’s hair has a different rate of growth.
These rough timings are just a guideline so don’t worry if your healing process seems to be following a somewhat different agenda. As with the earlier stages of a surgical process such as this, if you have any concerns or questions following your surgery, your surgeon or aftercare team will be able to assist with any questions you have relating to your own specific case.