Six things to consider before having a hair transplant

Hair Transplant Surgery
six things to consider before a hair transplant

six things to consider before a hair transplantThe hair transplant has moved on in leaps and bounds since the 1980s with the development of new technologies and techniques.

Successful transplants are now much more likely and the results can be truly impressive. It’s not necessarily the right solution for everyone though and below are six things to think about if you’re considering opting for the procedure.

1. It’s not magic

If you don’t have a lot of donor hair then you’re never going to get density back.

2. It’s different for everyone

Generally speaking, however, the chance of success is closely tied to the hair loss being stable. If you’re still progressively losing hair then you’ll need more than one procedure to tackle further loss. This is an important consideration as this is a surgical procedure and the costs in recuperation time and financially can be high.

3. It’s maintenance free

Unlike wigs and some drug based treatments the transplanted hair requires no additional maintenance. It’s basically your natural hair that’s been relocated and this is one of the main reasons a transplant can help to successfully restore confidence.

4. It’s a permanent fix

Again, unlike other treatments the transplant is permanent (as long as point 2 has been taken into account).

5. It might take a year to see the benefit

Although the transplanted follicles can take a few months to appear, generally at least 80% will emerge and won’t fall out. After one year you’ll be able to fully appreciate the effects of the transplant

6. There will probably be a scar

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure which involves some scarring (the severity depends on the type of technique used). As a result, proper precautions need to be taken afterwards including avoiding touching the affected area and keeping it dry by wearing a shower cap for example.

The most important thing about making the decision to have a transplant though is to talk to a specialist. See a surgeon first about the likelihood of success and whether it’s the right option for you as no two people have the same hair loss story.


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