Hair transplant options: what’s best for you?

Hair Transplant Surgery
Which type of hair transplant is best for you?

Which type of hair transplant is best for you?If you’re considering a hair transplant, you need to know that there are three main procedures on offer at the moment, each with their own pros and cons. Here’s a (very) brief guide to them…

Direct Hair Implementation (DHI)

What it is: hair follicles that match your own are loaded into a specialised device and implanted one-by-one.

Does it hurt? As the follicles are implanted using instruments no wider than 1mm at the point, it’s on a par with having a tattoo whilst under local anaesthetic.

Post-treatment: The client will be able to go back to work the next day.

Long-term results: A fuller head of hair that will grow and can be styled and dyed. Like the rest of your hair, 10% of it will naturally fall off as it reaches the end of its growing phase, but the rest will remain throughout your life.

Pros: The most effective solution to your hair loss issues…

Cons: …and also the most expensive.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUI)

What is it? Hair follicles harvested from your own head – usually at the back – are grafted into the treated area.

Does it hurt? Again, the client is given local anaesthetic and experiences little more than a rubbing sensation. However, there is a greater possibility of scarring, depending on the skill of your practitioner.

Post-treatment: Experts usually advise a six-day rest period.

Long-term results: As the head is cropped – in order for the practitioner to get to the roots of the follicles more easily –expect your hair to get back to normal after a month or so.

Pros: Generally the cheapest solution of the three.

Cons: Takes a while to get the look you want.

Strip Surgery Transplant

What is it? Unlike the other two, it involves removing follicular units from the donor area in strips (unsurprisingly) and bedding them in.

Does it hurt? Yes. Particularly for a few days afterwards, when the anaesthetic wears off.

Post-treatment: You will be advised to take up to two weeks off. Because of the nature of the procedure, scarring is inevitable – although this will be covered up by your hair.

Long-term results: You’ll get a full head of hair, although there will be less long-term hair growth as some of the follicles will be damaged due to the transplantation process.

Pros: It allows an instant, fuller head of hair.

Cons: The finished product can look less natural compared to the other two procedures.


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