Fraxel laser repair treatments are primarily used to reduce the appearance of scars. As far as our clients are concerned, the main interest of Fraxel is the possibility of making hair transplant scars less obvious, and easier to treat with SMP.
Scars are depressions or indentations in the skin that usually occur after surgical incisions, forming naturally as part of the healing process. Hair transplant scars can serve as unpleasant reminders of a past procedure, and reduce the satisfaction achieved by the person who had the procedure. Instead of worrying about their hair loss, people often become obsessed with hiding their scars, which in many cases, can defeat the object of having a hair transplant in the first place.
An increasing number of HIS clients undergo Fraxel repair before coming to us for scalp pigmentation treatments to further camouflage their strip and FUE scars. It is important to remember however that this process was not designed for transplant scars, so it is still early days.
How does Fraxel work?
Treatment of any type of scar, be it a hair transplant scar, a scar resulting from other surgery or an accident, or an acne scar, requires both the removal of damaged skin and the production of new collagen to improve the scars tone and texture.
Traditional approaches—such as deep chemical peeling, conventional lasers, topical agents and abrasion therapies, usually achieve only moderate results or, worse, they destroy a lot of healthy tissue along with the scar. In addition, these treatments often require extensive recovery time.
Fraxel laser treatment removes damaged skin on the surface and reaches deep into the skin to stimulate collagen remodeling. In this way, Fraxel treatment improves the elasticity, texture and tone of your damaged skin while keeping your healthy tissue intact, minimising any discomfort or downtime.
Are Fraxel laser treatments safe?
The FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) has approved Fraxel treatment to safely reduce the appearance of surgical scars. According to a study published in Dermatologic Therapy by Dr. Vic A. Narurkar, Fraxel treatment provides more consistent, successful results than any other procedure for treating scars.
Do we recommend Fraxel as a complimentary treatment alongside MHT?
Not yet, purely because we have a fairly limited understanding of the extent of any benefits. Certainly a Fraxel and MHT combination looks like a promising prospect, and we are continuing our research in this area. We will publish our findings in due course.
Where can I obtain more information?
For those wishing to investigate further, a good starting point would be the Fraxel website, The official FDA paper can be downloaded here (PDF), and discussions around this topic are taking place on a number of hair loss forums, like this one on Hair Loss Help.