Bearded lady becomes world record holder

Hair Transplant Surgery
bearded lady wins world record

bearded lady wins world recordThere’s a new world record holder in the beard world and it’s not what you might expect!

Harnaam Kaur, has become the youngest woman in the world to sport a six-inch beard. Dubbed “the bearded lady”, the Slough-based woman has a beard that most men can only dream of!

A record to be proud of

For most women, the thought of being identified as the bearded lady would be devastating. However, speaking of her new world record, Kaur admits she feels humbled to even be included on the list of nominees!

So how does she achieve such a long beard? Well, the answer is actually Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. It is well-known to cause excessive hair growth. Many women struggle to come to terms with the condition, regularly shaving and waxing the excess hair.

Kaur decided to take a healthier approach and simply embrace the condition. She’s now become a body-positive campaigner and model.

Want your own beard to be proud of?

If you’re reading this thinking life really isn’t fair as even a woman can grow a better beard than you, stop! There are solutions out there for men who struggle to grow and maintain an impressive beard.

Beard transplants for example, have become a really popular solution. In fact, men are now opting to spend around £14,500 on the average beard transplant. The beard craze certainly isn’t slowing down and transplants can help you achieve the look you’ve always wanted.

By taking hair from a donor site, usually the back of the scalp, then implanting it into the chin, the transplant process has proven to be very successful.

So, there is a solution out there, however it is notably expensive. If you can’t afford it, SMP could be an alternative option. It won’t help you grow a beard, but it will give you a stubble look.


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