Viviscal Man is a nutritional supplement sold as a hair loss preventative, and as the name suggests, the product is intended for use by men only
Viviscal claims to tackle thinning hair by supporting natural healthy hair growth. Viviscal Man contains a marine complex (basically fish oils) called AminoMar C™ that is said to provide the essential proteins needed to nourish thinning hair and support natural hair growth. Amino acids are the basic structural building units of proteins and are essential in the formation of the hair structure. This is blended with an organic soluble silica and vitamin C and combined with zinc and flax seed.
It is a well known fact that DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) is the principle cause of male pattern baldness. DHT attacks the follicles, causing them to shrink and eventually become inactive. The addition of flax seed in Viviscal is interesting, because many leading authorities agree that Flax Seed can help to reduce levels of DHT in the body, so the theory makes sense.
What is not known, is to what extent Flax Seed reduces DHT levels, or how much benefit (if any), the other ingredients in Viviscal can realistically provide. Trial and error may be the only solution here.
Bear in mind that at GBP £49.95 (approx USD $77.00) for a months supply, Viviscal is undoubtedly expensive. The manufacturer recommends that Viviscal is taken for a minimum of 6 months to realise any benefits, and if you choose to try the product for yourself, we would recommend the same. Also consider that if you choose to discontinue use of the product in the future, it is likely that any benefits will also be lost.