Hair loss is as common for women as it is for men, so just what can a woman do to avoid it? The Metro has been asking an expert… We look for clues.
Female Hair Loss
It might surprise you to learn that women lose hair at pretty much the same rate as men. With men the balding is visible from the outset, almost invariably starting with receding at the temples and crown and deteriorating steadily from there. The big difference between men and women is that exposed skin. For women the hair loss tends to be more evenly spread across the top of the head and behind the hairline. This gives women many styling options that can be used to mask the problem, at least until the problem becomes fairly advanced at which stage the huge majority will reach for a wig.
Root Causes
For women there are also more triggers for hair loss that are non genetic, though it should be borne in mind that the massive majority are genetic. Just the same, if you are or have recently been pregnant it can affect your hair growth, as can an illness, or vitamin deficiency. It is always worth getting along to a doctor for a check up as hair loss can occasionally be a symptom of an underlying health issue, some of which can be serious. Appropriate treatment for any of these conditions should see the hair return to normal.
The question of what you can do to proactively protect yourself against hair loss is a good one. The Metro took it and asked the opinion of Dr Shahmalak, a leading UK hair transplant surgeon… responsible for all 3 of Calum Best’s transplants and a shameless self publicist of the “surgeon to the stars” variety.
What The Doctor Said
Dr Shahmalek started by explaining that 4 out of 5 incidents of women losing hair are due to genetic factors, and for those there is only the FDA approved medication minoxidil, a topical treatment that stops progress for some, but not all.
For the other 20%, Dr Shahmalek’s statistic (we think the genetics account for a much higher proportion of cases), he suggests trying vitamin supplements, increasing your exercise, stopping smoking, avoiding harsh chemicals on your hair and not pulling your hair into tight styles. All common sense stuff. We won’t bother you with the two branded products he “recommends”… one is a shampoo which he claims will see you grow thick healthy hair.
And if none of those work (and they wont in almost all cases), he tells us that transplantation is your option.
HIS Hair Clinic
The Metro article does at least serve to show how tough hair loss is for women… there is nothing out there. It would seem that current research might see that picture change quite radically over the next year or two, we certainly hope so. Especially if it saves us from the unedifying sight of doctors peddling products of dubious value and offering it as genuine medical advice. You can see the original article here, but please think carefully before buying that shampoo.
If you would like to discuss our hair loss situation with one of our team of friendly experts, simply complete the contact form at the side of this page or click here to find your nearest clinic.