Tips For Reading Hair Loss Articles

General Hair Loss

Normally the preserve of third world press we are seeing ever more misleading articles on hair loss closer to home. Some tips for their reading…


Extraordinary Claims

It is something we do every day, trawl through the press to find articles on our favourite subject of hair loss. We are regularly delighted by “finds”, often from Africa or Asia where the regulatory environment is less rigid. Sometimes they will be reminiscent of the “snake oil” sales techniques prevalent in the USA up to the early 20th Century – the sufferer will be invited to buy a new miracle cure freshly arrived from the USA/Japan/Europe, or to send in a sample of their hair in return for a bespoke solution guaranteed to return them to a full head of hair in a matter of weeks. We share the best of them on here from time to time in an attempt to lighten the mood.

Positive Health Wellness

This website presents itself like many others as a resource for all things health. An article titled “What’s the best hair growth products for men” caught our eye immediately… not least because the simple answer is obvious – There is no such thing.

On reading the article we were concerned by phrases like “Fortunately, hair loss can be rectified” and “The good news is that these products contain ingredients that can stimulate hair follicles so that your hair can easily grow back.”

What followed was a list of fairly familiar products, some containing the FDA approved hair loss drug minoxidil but others just containing caffeine, and one offering a simply vitamin C supplement.

Look Out For The Clues

The assumption must be that there are enough people who read those exaggerated claims of efficacy and end up buying the products. Or else why would they exist? So what are the other clues that what you are reading might not be genuinely helpful health advice?

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will find an increasingly common footer. It declares the site as an “Amazon affiliate”.. which means the site earns money from Amazon every time someone clicks through to the product on the Amazon site. So promoting a handful of 5 star rated items among a host of 3 and 4 star ratings is a simply marketing ploy aimed at getting clicks, known as “click bait.”

HIS Hair Clinic

We would like to think that anyone doing a modicum of research on the  matter would quickly identify this type of marketing as spurious. Just the same, it is disappointing to see Amazon driving a new wave of snake oil purveyors.

If you would like to discuss your hair loss situation with one of our team of friendly experts, simply complete the contact form at the side of this page. Or click here to find your nearest clinic.


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