Japanese hotel offers discount to balding customers

General Hair Loss
Japanese hotel offers discount to balding customers

Japanese hotel offers discount to balding customersMany people feel awkward or ashamed when they start to lose their hair, but one special hotel not only acknowledges balding but celebrates it as well!

Kitakyushu Hotel Plaza (Hotel Tetora Kyushu) in Tokyo offers  a 500 yen per night discount for bald or balding customers, and in doing so has gained reams of media coverage over recent weeks, with follicularly challenged journalists the world over singing the scheme’s praises.

Method in the madness

While it might seem that the discount is a gesture of good will, there is a practical reason behind its origin as staff were complaining about hair blocking the hotel room plug holes.

Perhaps a crafty marketing ploy, the hotel (along with others in the Tetora Group chain) have bald mascots in the hotel foyer and merchandise to celebrate their scheme. In fact, the mascot resembles the very bald hotel chain president Koji Miura, who understands all there is to know about hair loss first-hand!

Reaction to the scheme, which has been running for around 2 years now, has been mixed as some people say that it dents their pride to be offered the discount. Other have embraced the reduced price and the celebration of baldness that comes with their unique discount, then invested the money they’ve saved in the hotel bar.

Still can’t stomach going bald?

One way to get around this is to consider scalp micropigmentation (or SMP). The SMP hair loss treatment provides a solution for hair loss caused by various factors (male pattern baldness, alopecia etc).

Similar to a tattoo, SMP consists of thousands of tiny micro-injections of pigment into the scalp, at varying depths and angles, to create the illusion of a closely shaved head.

Not only is it simple, permanent and cost-effective, scalp micropigmentation is also not a hair transplant, and so you can still qualify for a discount at the Kitakyushu Hotel Plaza should you ever find yourself in Tokyo!


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