HIS Hair Clinics Forum proving popular

General Hair Loss, Hair Loss News

The HIS forum was originally set up to allow new customers of HIS to access information and ask questions in an open environment. As time has gone on, we’ve found that one of the greatest benefits to having a forum is that it enables those who are considering having an MHT® makeover to mingle with people who have already had the treatment.

Nothing beats an account of a real life experience. Whilst our MHT® clinicians always endeavour to offer as unbiased an opinion as possible, it may be useful for you to discuss the treatment with our past customers who have not only had the treatment, but who can advise you first hand of the effects of MHT® in their everyday lives. Common questions such as “how realistic does it look”, “will people notice if I’ve had treatment” and “are you happy with the results”, can all be answered in the forum by real people in the real world.

If you haven’t done so already, we’d strongly advise you join our hair loss forum, or if you have a question you’d like to ask us directly, feel free to contact us.


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