Can vitamin supplements prevent hair loss?

General Hair Loss, Other solutions
vitamins hair loss

vitamins hair lossAll of us have a different texture and style of hair, which means that we have a variety of hair care routines and products that we use to maintain the health and shine of our hair. Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed with naturally strong, thick hair which can endure endless amounts of heat chemicals from styling tools and hair products. Therefore this can result in hair loss and damaged weakened hair; despite how much we avoid using heated styling tools and change our hair products.

In these kinds of situations, neither hair products nor the most expensive and popular hair treatments can help in preventing hair loss and promoting hair regrowth. While it is well known that hair loss can be caused by the hair being exposed to excessive chemicals from hair products and pollution from the surroundings, many people tend to forget that nutrients play a vital role in preventing hair loss.

Which vitamin supplements can prevent hair loss?

One of the most typically observed deficiencies is in vitamins; this can stop the development of new hair and lead to further complications. Experts recommend the following vitamins which can benefit and aid in healthy hair growth including;

  • B-Complex Vitamins, such as biotin and vitamin B-5, these can stimulate other pathways which promote hair growth whereas biotin can cure damage that is caused by harsh chemical and tools.
  • Vitamin C, a diet which lacks in vitamin C tends to lead to signs of early aging and oxidative stress caused by free radicals. When the production of free radicals cannot be fought by the body, cellular structures which maintain the health of your hair can be destroyed leading to weakened and thinner hair.
  • Vitamin D, easily obtained by sitting in the sun, a deficiency in vitamin D can cause severe hair loss that is difficult to overcome. When someone is suffering from chronic hair loss, this can indicate a vitamin D deficiency. This vitamin is also essential for cell growth differentiation, calcium homeostasis and immune system regulation.

If you are suffering from excessive hair loss or it is causing you concern, consult with your doctor or a hair loss expert for more information and a professional diagnosis. Hair loss can be an indicator of multiple different underlying conditions which may require more investigation.


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