Are hair transplants the latest celebrity craze?

Celebrities, Hair Transplant Surgery
Are hair transplants the latest celebrity craze?

Are hair transplants the latest celebrity craze?There’s no doubt about it: the hair transplant taboo has been firmly shattered, and a lot of the credit for that goes to a whole raft of celebrities who have not been shy about admitting to it. Here’s a few we’ve come across recently…

James Nesbitt

The Cold Feet star has certainly had no hesitation to undergo – and be completely open about – his series of hair transplants. He’s even talked about his reasons for doing so (“As an actor, I’m in the public eye a lot and I really felt hair loss would affect my career prospects”), has pointed out that he’s undergone hair transplant treatment twice, and is taking Minoxidil and Finasteride to improve the quality of his hair and prevent further loss.

All of which inspired his work colleague…

John Thomson

…who decided to take the plunge after getting divorced and climbing into the saddle of online dating. Like a lot of men, he would have been happy to shave it all off, but felt that the shape of his head couldn’t quite carry it off.

Joe Swash

Another knock-on effect generated by James Nesbitt came a few months ago, when the former EastEnders star and I’m A Celebrity champion interrupted a discussion about the Cold Feet star’s most recent transplant by revealing that he’d had one himself years ago for pretty much the same reasons.

Louis Walsh

While recent speculation regarding the X Factor judge’s has focused on his (presumed) eye-lift and teeth-straightening, Walsh – who has claimed to never have undergone any aesthetic treatment – has spoken openly about the £30,000 hair transplant he had a few years ago.

Wayne Rooney

Pretty much the one man who started the celebrity hair transplant boom in the UK, although recent reports suggest he may be due another one pretty soon. Maybe he ought to get in touch with his old teammate Ryan Giggs, who recently bought out a hair transplant clinic…

So who’s next? If recent reports are anything to go by, we’re keeping an eye on Gareth Bale and Prince William…


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