Facial hair transplants: how do they work?

Beard Transplant
Beard transplant

Beard transplantMany men feel that their facial hair is a reflection of their masculinity, so you can imagine losing or thinning facial hair can feel similar to losing a part of your manhood. Some men who are unable to grow a full beard or moustache even after their teenage years of puberty may be suffering from hypogonadism (low testosterone levels). Current trends show that beards are in fashion, a beard which has thin patches of hair can be embarrassing which is why procedures such as facial hair transplants are available.

Why have a facial transplant?

There can be a number of reasons why men may want to undergo a facial hair transplant, such as;

  • To conceal scars as a result of trauma, surgical procedures or burns
  • Medical reasons such as cancer or infections on the face
  • Loss of hair as a result of previous transplant surgeries
  • Long term conditions such as alopecia areata

Pre-surgery consultations

Patients are required to have detailed consultations with their doctors as not everyone is eligible for a beard transplant. Meeting with a surgeon can help patients to be evaluated and openly discuss their expectations and what kinds of results can be realistically created. Patients also need to have certain blood tests before it is safe for them to undergo any surgeries.

The surgeon can then work on designing the beard, moustache, sideburns or whichever facial hair needs transplanting with the patient to create a plan for the patient. This is the best time for patients to explain their requirements and expectations of the shape and style of the hair to their doctor. One major advantage of beard transplants is that styles can be designed which require minimal maintenance. Usually hair is transplanted from the scalp for beard transplant.

Patients will need three days of care after the transplant as the skin will still be healing and can expect hair growth to begin after the third month. Most patients find that complete results are visible after one year and look indistinguishable from natural facial hair.


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