Micropigmentation gave this girl her confidence back

eyebrow micropigmentation restored one girl's confidence

eyebrow micropigmentation restored one girl's confidence This story on America’s ABC News website – about a 15 year-old girl suffering from alopecia universalis who used micropigmentation techniques to restore her eyebrows – certainly gave us pause for thought.

Alopecia universalis is one of the rarest – and one of the more extreme – forms of a very debilitating ailment, alopecia areata. In its ultimate form, alopecia universalis causes the complete loss of hair on the scalp and the body. Bad enough when you’re an adult, but even worse when you’re a teenage girl.

The surprising thing about this piece is that the girl in question was having more difficulty getting the loss of her eyebrows than her hair. As she points out; “Eyebrows…you can show emotion with them. But when you don’t have them, your face is like a blank canvas.”

A SMPle remedy

After trying out glued-on eyebrows (an experiment which failed, and led to ridicule in school), doctors referred her to a local cosmetic practice which specialised in micropigmentation. Utilising state-of-the-art technology, they mixed and matched shades of pigment to create a 3D illusion that restored the look of eyebrows to a stunning effect.

In fact, the procedure was so good that the client’s confidence has rocketed – so much so that she rarely wears her wig nowadays.

How does it work?

As with the standard scalp treatment, the eyebrow micropigmentation procedure is a case of filling in the blanks with bespoke, non-metallic pigments immediately beneath the epidermis using a very short, very thin needle.

Each of these dots is perfectly colour-matched to your existing follicles to exactly create the illusion of far greater density, and the result is a flawless shaping and a full brow appearance.

As each case is different, we advise anyone thinking about improving the look of their eyebrows to get in touch and book a professional consultation.


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